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5 “Just for Fun” Websites You May Not Know About

When you need a little pick-me-up, here are 5 fun and unique sites you should visit. These 5 remain my consistent favorites because they a

Who Says You Can’t Go Home Again?

So many memories, good and bad, were birthed in that old barn. So when a friend told me that it had been bought by the neighbors, and was b

Are You Suffering From Digital Dementia?

(Digital dementia) It’s a form of addiction which is socially acceptable, and with results we are just beginning to identify.

What in the World is a Sailor’s Valentine?

A sailor's valentine is a type of antique souvenir, often brought home from a sailor's voyage at sea as a special gift for his loved

Do I Owe You An Apology? 3 Lessons in Humility

Finally, as I spent more time thinking about this subject, I also saw some positives. My testimony, the story of how God worked in my life

Five Things I Learned From the Death of my Daughter

My beautiful baby girl, all grown up, married, and a successful businesswoman and mother, lost her 6 month struggle for survival on Septembe

Why Celebrate Maundy Thursday?

While the word “Maundy” is not found anywhere in Scripture, John 13:34 describes that original Thursday evening, and does note that, during

You Have to try Pinterest!

Pinterest! It was love at first sight for me – a virtual playground of information and fun right at my fingertips.

How to Re-Purpose Those Plastic K-Cups

If you make coffee in those convenient Keurig coffee makers you, like me, might hate to just toss those little plastic cups after the coffee

Who Were The Magi (or 3 Kings)?

As an important part of the nativity story, “wise men from the East” have captivated our imagination. But who were they and why did they mak

Why God Chose Shepherds

Although the shepherds were not religious elitists, they were willing to simply believe what God told them, and to go where God invited them

Why Joseph of Nazareth?

Sometimes we forget that God also chose Joseph of Nazareth to serve as the step father of Jesus and gave him the awesome task of raising tha

We Have The Christmas Story All Wrong

I collect nativity sets, and I must say I love the traditional setting and characters in them. But a careful reading of the Bible indicates

How to Decorate a Tropical Christmas Tree

Whether you moved to a tropical area this year, or you just want to try something different for Christmas this year, why not try decorating

The Only Bible Authorized by Congress

The Aitken Bible was more than just the first English language religious book printed in a new nation. It symbolized a final separation from

5 Ways to Encourage Others

His real name was Joseph, but his friends the apostles called him Barnabas (which means "Son of Encouragement") because of his kna

3 Biblical Ways to Handle Stress

The reality of the situation is that we can’t always control our stressful circumstances, but we can control our response to them.

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